In its simplest terms wellbeing can be described as:
The state of being healthy, comfortable and happy
At Horden Nursery School we recognise that children need positive relationships and a sense of belonging. We are sensitive and responsive to children’s needs, feelings and interests. We support the children’s developing independence and set clear boundaries which help the children to feel safe. If we can increase well-being in the Early Years, it will help children carry resilience and happiness going forward and most importantly give them the tools to be the best they can be and reach their full potential.
It is our aim and goal to ensure that all children and adults within our setting feel safe, comfortable, healthy and happy. Well being is therefore one of our key priorities in all we offer and do.
How do we support wellbeing at our nursery?
- Our curriculum and values are focused around a child’s right to play. Play is essential for well-being – it gives children time to think for themselves, reflect and use their imagination
- We focus on presence, spending time with children, focusing on their current interests in the present moment
- All children have a key person and spend time as part of a family group, promoting a sense of togetherness
- Children’s emotions are accepted and understood in close, consistent relationships
- Practitioners promote happiness and wellbeing, providing a rolemodel for children. They are are nurturing, caring, kind, friendly and have the very best interests of all of our children at heart of all they do
- Staff observe the children closely; they are often well-placed to notice changes in their behaviours
- Children are listened to and they know that their ideas are important. We reflect these ideas in our environment and planning
- We provide children with familiar and consistent routine each and everyday
- The children have clear expectations, routines and boundaries that are the same for each and every child
- An ethos of sharing, kind words and actions for all
- Families and carers are welcomed, valued and supported for all their skills, knowledge and attributes
- We follow the Hygge approach in our nursery, providing a warm, homely and cosy environment for all children. Rugs, cushions, dens and blankets provide places to relax and rest
- Twinkly lights and soft glow lamps provide an ambient atmosphere for the children to explore and investigate in. These are used alongside the natural light that shines through the windows and doors
- We bring the outdoors indoors, with the use of natural resources and plants
- We have calming zen/spa music playing throughout the day to enhance the relaxing atmosphere
- We spend long periods of time outside with access to our natural gardens and open ended resources
- Children have free access to interesting and challenging play materials and spaces indoors and outdoors, in the setting and in the community
- We spend time in nature, foraging in the dene or visiting the beach, and bring back natural resources such as fallen leaves, branches, stones, feathers and flowers
- We provide opportunities for children to cook outdoors on an open fire, enjoying hot chocolate with friends
- We provide opportunities for yoga and mindfulness experiences
- We use core stories such as ‘The Colour Monster’, ‘Calm down time’ and ‘Little Monkey Calms Down’ to help children to understand and explore emotions
Links to some stories that we use in nursery can be found below. These stories can be shared with your child at home: