Dear Parents,
As the situation with coronavirus continues to develop we are asking you to carefully consider whether or not your child needs to be in school.
We appreciate that the central government guidance around what constitutes a key worker is quite broad, however we would like to remind you that the reason schools are remaining open is primarily to ensure that those frontline workers who are key to helping this country get through this situation, can get to work.
Each school will have different levels of demand for these places and may handle this situation differently in order to ensure the welfare of all staff and children. We ask you to respect any restrictions your school may put in place to help them cope during these challenging times.
Finally, can we remind you that in line with Public Health England guidance, the best place for your child, wherever possible is at home with you, helping to maintain good social distancing for our wider community.
Thank you,
Richard Crane
Head of Education and Skills
Children and Young People’s Services
Durham County Council
County Hall