We have places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds from September in our beautiful nursery. If you would like a place with us, or would like to put your child’s name on our waiting list, please give us a ring or drop us an email.
Spring 2023 Newsletter
Please check out our most recent newsletter for up to date information and dates for your diary newsletter Spring 2023
Nursery Newsletter February 2022
A copy of our most recent Newsletter has been added to the Parents and Carers section. It contains lots of new information and helpful dates and reminders.
Don’t forget to add your child’s name to our waiting list
Give us a call on 0191 5865415, or you can pop to nursery and fill in a simple waiting list form. If you would like to have a look around, visits can be arranged late afternoon, after nursery hours.
Nursery Newsletter
Remember to check out our Newsletter section for the most up to date information.
A warm welcome back to nursery
Welcome to all of our children and families. It has been lovely to re-open our doors after the Summer break. The children have settled so well, and we thank our families for the role they have played in supporting their child’s transition.
Walk & Drive Past Celebration
We would like to invite all of our children who are leaving us to go to school in September, to our walk or drive past celebration on Friday 17th July. View or download the full letter below:
Update Letter 23/06/2020
Horden Nursery has reached capacity with requests for key worker children and vulnerable children childcare. We are unable to welcome back more children under the current COVID-19 guidelines, posted 23rd June 2020.
Please see the latest latter below:
Adobe Reader
You may need a product like Adobe Reader (free download) to view our PDF documents on our website.
Support for Mark Making and Writing
We have added a new document to our Home Learning section. It’s called How to support mark making and writing at home and includes ideas you could try at home with your child.
For further information please visit the Support for Parents section of the Home Learning page.
Places Available for 2, 3 & 4 year Olds
We have places available for 2,3 and 4 year old children in September 2020.
If you are interested in a place for your child, please either message this page, email hordennursery@durhamlearning.net or telephone 0191 5865415.
If your child’s name is on our waiting list, we will be writing to you very soon to confirm their place. Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, we are unable to give any start dates. We look forward to hearing from you soon, take care and stay safe.
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